O CONRE-3 inaugura uma série de cursos para capacitação profissional, com benefícios especiais a estatísticos registrados em algum CONRE. O objetivo é promover ensinamentos práticos, com foco na realidade do mercado de trabalho.

O programa de cursos foi idealizado por Adriana Silva, Presidente do CONRE-3. Conhecida por suas aulas e apresentações descontraídas e esclarecedoras, a docente explica que a proposta, “é importante para que os profissionais não sejam apenas técnicos, mas também focados no problema de negócio”, diz.

O primeiro curso a ser oferecido, em 31 de agosto, é: O que é IoT (Internet of Things)? Da teoria ao hands on. Os participantes vão aprender, de fato, o que é IoT e qual a mudança proporcionada neste contexto chamado de quarta revolução industrial.

A segunda parte da programação vai contar com a produção de um projeto de IoT completo, desde a configuração do hardware até um aplicativo de celular (Android e IOS).

O curso será ministrado por Rafael Arevalo, Maker no iDEXO. O profissional atua entendendo os reais problemas dos clientes e validando hipóteses com as tecnologias de impressão 3D, internet das coisas e inteligência artificial. Atualmente é estudante de matemática e coordenador da comunidade de inteligência artificial AI BRASIL. Palestrante de eventos de tecnologia como Campus Party, TDC (The Developers Conference) e PIC NIC (Brasil).

O programa, com carga horária de seis horas, acontece no dia 31 de agosto, das 9h30 às 17h30, na sede do CONRE-3, que fica na Avenida Ipiranga, 337, 5º andar.

O investimento é de R$ 333,00 para estatísticos registrados em algum CONRE e R$ 666,00 para demais profissionais. É possível parcelar em até 12 vezes.





80 IoT Statistics (Infographic)

If you’re interested in learning more about the Internet of Things, as well as finding some IoT forecasts for the near future, you’ve come to the right place.


60+ IoT statistics and facts

More than just a tech buzz word, IoT, or the “Internet of Things” is now a major economic driver worldwide, as well as an integral technological revolution for most industries. 


Comprehensive Guide to IoT Statistics You Need to Know in 2019

The last few years have seen the Internet of Things (IoT) grow from a theoretical concept to a major priority for many organizations. As companies integrate IoT devices into their network infrastructures, they are looking for new ways to utilize them and manage the data they collect. Given the tremendous impact these devices are likely to have on the world, it’s worth looking at a few key Internet of Things statistics.


Internet of Things Statistics 2019 [The Rise Of IoT]

Internet of things (IoT) has been quite the buzzword in business and, more recently, in consumer electronics. To help understand what the hoopla is all about, TechJury has put together this latest set of internet of things statistics. These data points cover a wide range of topics including the most up-to-date trends and numbers related to IoT, the impact it is having and is expected to have in the future in different segments, the growth drivers and the key concerns that may act as barriers, and the forecasts of the market size of IoT in various industries.


The IoT 2019: Many “things” ahead, but here are four predictions

Bain & Company forecasts that the market for the Internet of Things will grow to about $520 billion by 2021. Here are four predictions for the IoT in 2019.


Experts Share 18 Surprising IoT Statistics for 2019

You’ve seen the charts, you’ve read the reports, you’ve been to the conferences: IoT statistics and reports indicate that everyone in the world owns a connected device!


20 Stats That Show The Massive Opportunities In The Internet of Things

The giant ecosystem that is the Internet of Things is growing, shifting and consolidating rapidly.  IoT devices are everywhere, from smart toothbrushes to smart watches and voice assistants to slow cookers, the IoT is all around us. We all know that IoT can change our lives and make our daily lives and businesses more efficient, but what else should we know about IoT? We did some digging and found IoT statistics that help you understand this growing market and the impact IoT has on the future. These IoT stats cover the smart home market, Industrial IoT, health care and more. 


Gartner Identifies Top 10 Strategic IoT Technologies and Trend

Analysts Explore Internet of Things Opportunities and Pitfalls at Gartner Symposium/ITxpo 2018, November 4-8 in Barcelona, Spain


Statistics That Prove IoT will become Massive from 2018

Imagine having a fridge so smart that it can order food for you when you run out of things. A refrigerator that can tell you what to make based on ingredients that you have. Or a fridge that lets you know that you forgot to shut the door. Remotely. Through an app on your mobile device!

CONRE-3 promove série de cursos com foco no mercado de trabalho. Em agosto: IoT – Internet of Things